his project was started in 2006 in Berlin, when Lutz-Rainer MuÃàller and Jan Freuchen constructed a large wooden replica of the lunar module ‚ 'Eagle' for an exhibition at West Germany in Kreutzberg. The urban renewal projects around Kottbusser Tor provided the backdrop for the exhibition where our primary interest was to look at the formal aspects of the construction and hence make a
link between science and design. The module was shown tilted, jammed between the roof and
the floor, along with several other two dimensional works. Later the piece was sawed into smaller pieces and presented as individual sculptures when
we established a “sculpture park” in Baßdorf, north of Berlin. The fragments were laying in this
field for one and a half years, when we collected them again to do a new show at Pierogi, Leipzig. One of these sculptures has now been 3-d scanned to make a rapid prototyping copy. |